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Keep Your System Away from Ransomware

Keep Your System Away from Ransomware

Ransomware is a type of malware that limits the users from accessing their system. This will get done either via locking the system’s screen or by encrypting the files.

Ransomware is a type of malware that limits users from accessing their systems. This will get done either by locking the system’s screen or by encrypting the files. Once the system is infected it cannot be released unless a ransom is paid.  The latest Ransomware called crypt locker forces users to pay the ransom via various means such as online payment to decrypt the system/files.

How your system encounters Ransomware infection:

  1. Visiting compromised or malicious websites.
  2. Can be downloaded as an attachment from spammed emails, or malicious pages.
  3. Can be downloaded by means of macro, downloading vulnerable software
  4. Botnets, SMS messages, Mal-advertising Campaigns

Best Practices to keep your system away from Ransomware:

  1. Do Regular backups of your system and keep recent backup offsite.
  2. Keep your Antivirus up to date.
  3. Do Regular system update such as windows update
  4. Enable file extension in your system which makes easy to see types of file.
  5. Avoid enabling macros in document received via email.
  6. Do not click any emails unless you know the sender email address or its legitimate.
  7. Update your business application up –to-date

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